Hunua candidate Ian Cummings says “Lets put it to the vote – Franklin remain in or out of the Super City?”

Ian Cummings who is standing as an independent candidate for Hunua says he agrees with what NZ First is proposing for North Rodney and if he is elected MP he too would lobby hard for Franklin voters to be given the opportunity to hold a binding referendum to decide whether Franklin should remain in the Auckland Super City or not.

Ian Cummings says “along with other Franklin residents I am cynical of what if anything has or will ever be gained by the bureaucratic centralization of council services. “

“After nine years as part of the Super City where are the promised ‘super’ cost savings and ‘super’ service efficiencies for Franklin residents? I believe the further management of services are distanced from the customer the less likely the effectiveness of such services – the Auckland Super City case in point.”

“Many Franklin residents feel consumed by the Super City not empowered by it so lets put it to the vote” says Ian Cummings.

Ian Cummings wants voters to know that “by entering parliament as an Independent MP I would be blissfully free of establishment party politics and political correctness. I can be the Hunua voters voice for real change – change that matters.”

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Authorised by Ian Cummings, 149-187 Roscommon Road, Auckland